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The Wise Birds Workshop

  • Exclusive, short Video Tutorials by a 15-year Colorado estate planning attorney, providing education and guidance on medical emergency legal documents.

  • Complete set of downloadable, peer-reviewed, customizable templates of the three necessary legal documents for a new young adult, including:

    • Medical Durable Power of Attorney;

    • HIPAA Authorization and Release Form; and

    • General Durable Power of Attorney

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to properly sign, notarize and submit all documents, to ensure validity.
  • Enrollment and complimentary one-year subscription to DocuBank, an online service to providing you and medical personnel with access to your legal documents, as well as an Emergency “Wallet” Card to notify your loved ones in case of an emergency.
  • Email support throughout the process.
  • Anytime access to workshop, including instructions on how to amend or revoke the documents if needed.

BONUS - As part of the Wise Birds Workshop experience, we’d like to personally assist you in submitting your documents to DocuBank, giving you one less thing to worry about! Our personal connection with DocuBank will help ensure that your documents are securely submitted and processed.

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