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Information for Colorado Young  Adults

Are you 18+ or turning 18 in the state of Colorado soon? It's important you to know your rights and get the documentation you need to be legally protected!

Did you know...

Once you turn 18, you are considered an adult in the eyes of the law.

What does this mean?

Whether you’re leaving home and going to school, starting a new job, traveling, or just moving out on your own — you NEED legal documentation to continue getting your parents’ support for medical emergencies and financial tasks.

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Without protective legal documentation...

  • If there is ever an emergency resulting in your inability to make decisions for yourself, your parents won’t be able to make medical decisions for you.
  • And if you need help with legal representation, insurance, or even your finances, your parents won’t be able to do so without your consent ahead of time.
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Some examples of when you might need your parents' support:

  • You get in an accident (car, bungee, motorcycle, e-bike or e-scooter)
  • You have an adverse drug reaction
  • You fall while hiking or skiing and end up with a brain injury
  • You need an emergency appendectomy or other surgery
  • You have mental health needs or have disordered eating support needs
  • You need to hire legal counsel for a car accident you caused
  • You're battling with an insurance company for a settlement, or to cover your bills
  • You need help with student loans or canceling credit cards
  • You want to negotiate medical bills
  • Or you want to give your parents access to financial records

In any of these examples, your parents cannot act on your behalf or be a medical advocate without the proper documentation.

Not having your parents’ involvement simply because of the lack of documentation causes heartache and headaches — we want you to feel supported through every stage of life. That’s why we created the Wise Birds Workshop online course!

The Wise Birds Workshop is one of the easiest steps you can take as a new adult to feel confident and empowered, while giving your family peace of mind and making things a whole lot easier for them, in case you ever need their help.

Are you willing to handle one of the most important details of adult living?

Get the Workshop!